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16.Juni 2011, St Poelten, Rathausplatz , "Creative Places"Andrea Nagl - dance, Markus Wintersberger - video, Alois Huber - live sound at 22h15
12.Juni 2011, St Poelten - SonnenparkAlois Huber - live, 18h feat: Bauchklang, Alex Miksch,....
05.Juni 2011, Beatkeller Schiltern"Join the Reflex" Vinyl release Party - "So..Nicht" ohgee/sam gilly/aloishuber - dubonwax 002, Live: Alexei Borisov & Olga Nosova (RUS) DJ`s: Chilo (UK). MWM (NL), Neidhart (A), Alois Huber (A), Franz Pomassl (A)
08.April 11, "Schuim", Budapest Delight, "The Madhatter`s Springball", Amsterdam NL, Alois Huber, LiveLectures in Groningen, Utrecht & Amsterdam "the archaeology of underground research "in between" sound and social - space" - "social work & media" - "social work, music & media"
06.Dez 10, 20 Jahre SKUG - Porgy&Bess Vienna, Alois Huber, Live mit: Austrofred, Fritz Ostermayer, chra, Alois Huber, Michael Fischer/Bernd Breuer/Ilse Kilic, H.P. Falkner, Fear Eats Soul, skug Soundsystem
18.Nov 10, CR94,4 Campus&City Radio St Pölten Showcase- DJ ALL STARS - Cafè PUBLIK, Festspielhaus St Pölten, 20h
19.Oct 10, CAT OPEN 2010 ,"I-Sonic" 20:00h
23.Sept 10 - "private plots 10", der schönste Garten der Welt ... Loisium/NÖ - Sound: Alois Huber (Elektronika), feat. Eva Wannerer (vocals)
Sa 08.Mai 10, 20h - "KINDLY ALIEN", Burg Dobra/NÖ
08.Mai - 08.August 10 - "Treediation" MIND MOOVES, ..if a plant talks to u... THERAPIEGARTEN Caritas Schloß Schiltern/NÖ, bei Arche Noah
Sa 31.Jan 10, 21h - ELEKTROLOISED, Langenlois
Do 23.April 09 - Klangturm St Pölten - MIND.MOOVES
27.Feb - 1.März 09 - In TOUCH Electronic Music Festival, Minsk / Belarus
So 22.März 09 - LOISIARTE Matinee, Dauerinsallation Rosette LOISIUM Langenlois
27.Sept. 08 - "private plots 08", der schönste Garten der Welt Grafenegg/NÖ - Sound: Alois Huber (Elektronika), feat. Mina Halm (Theremin)
13.Sept. 08 - Komponistenforum Mittersill Wintersberger/Nagl/A Huber - Eröffnungsperformance
23.Juli 08 - SKW St Pölten, DISCOZMA live
02.Mai 08 - JAZZKELLER Krems, DISCOZMA live
01.Mai 08 - Donaufestival Krems - FHranch, DISCOZMA live
30.April 08 - BEATKELLER Schiltern
9.Jän – 10.Feb 08, soundframe RITUS08 REDITUS - video: markus wintersberger, sound: alois huber 18. Okt 07, SL Laton Club Art House - DISCOZMA LATON MIX - Sweet Reach (246, 98, 246)
01.Sept 07, BEAT KELLER Schiltern *BEAT KELLER anniversary de luxe 82 - 07*
es ist soweit unsere kulturtechnische instanz der Beat Keller feiert sein jubiläum unglaubliche 25 jahre regional - international - experimental aus dem vakuum des südlichen waldviertels, die brutstätte eines elektronischen wunders frühes industrial, techno wiege, minimal und performatives gewagtes, vertrautes und prominentes
15.Jun 07 - St Poelten, AUTOPLAY EUTOPIA
Alois Huber, austrian aphex twin, sound doctor, self confidence attraktor & investigator of laton nation gibt sich die Ehre und eröffnet mit uns nicht nur den Club sondern auch die Laton - Donnerstag-Nacht - Events.“Alois Huber/lois Shan[laton rec.], a multiplex workaholic in various parallel genres as an organizer, producer, social engineer, co-founder and the big soul of Laton’s backstage. Ex-member of Sabotage Communications und Craft records. Austria´s Grand-Master of deep minimal ambient electronica simplicity as well as creator of mad driven disco turban breaks for the inner- and outer space, released 6 fulllength solo albums and did a hand full of compilation contribution over the last decade on such labels like React, K7!, Craft, Subetage beside Laton, which he initially founded together wit Pomassl. He played various spectaculare live shows and did several club-tours all over the globe.” OUT NOW ALOIS HUBER - Videosymphonie Kamptal, IKT 002 CD 27.Mai 06: Beatkeller Schiltern: Chilo(UK), Binär(D), Lichtfels(A), Hoec(A) 10.Jun 06: Loisium Langenlois 19h30, Eisenbahnbrücke Stiefern VIDEOSYMPHONIE 24.Jun 06: Arche Noah Schiltern, Salamander
OUT NOW ALOIS HUBER - Founder, Laton 039 CD
10.Nov 05 - SZENE Wien: Laton- Skug - Anniversary Act feat.: The Closing, Pomassl, Alois Huber, Quehenberger, DJ Chilo..
LATON Skug Special Magazin OUT NOW
minimax no_001 new 1 night festival of upfront sound_text_image v | at tranzit dielne | workshops, studena 12, bratislava, slovensko | slovakiav | on piatok | friday, 14. oktober | on 18:00 vstup volny | entrance free
Chilo, Pomassl Mombus, Benzo & Kornev the closing, Auxpan, Pomassl, Radius, Zavoloka
minimax no_001_sound_Iceland_ live!: Auxpan minimax no_001_sound_Russia_ live!: Benzo minimax no_001_sound_Austria_ live!: The Closing minimax no_001_sound_Austria_ live!: Alois Huber minimax no_001_sound_Ukraine_ live!: Infra Red Army minimax no_001_image_Russia_ live!: Oleg Kornev - Benzo_visuals minimax no_001_text_Slovakia: Slavo Krekovic minimax no_001_sound_Russia_ live!: Mombus minimax no_001_text:_Austria: Didi Neidhart minimax no_001_sound_text_Slovakia: Boris Ondreicka minimax no_001_sound_Austria_ live!: Pomassl minimax no_001_sound_Austria_ live!: Philipp Quehenberger minimax no_001_sound_Russia_ live!: Radius minimax no_001_text_Slovakia: Oliver Rehak minimax no_001_image_Slovakia_ live!: Jan Sicko minimax no_001_sound_Slovakia_ live!: Brano Spacek minimax no_001_sound_Sweden: Carl Michael von Hausswolff minimax no_001_sound_Ukraine_ live!: Zavoloka minimax is a conception / realisation of Franz Pomassl, Anna Ceeh & Boris Ondreicka &
03 - 08. Aug 05 - garage festival, Stralsund/D Alois Huber, Alexej Borisov Radius aka Sergei Malkin, Park Modern aka Evgeny Beresnev, Philipp Quehenberger
EUTOPIA soundtrack CD ...out now 2.Okt 04 Eutopia_(dis)appearing capital - Live Eutopia_(dis)appearing capital
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